Our Marketing Must-Reads: Using Video in Hiring, Copyright on Social Media & More

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    We read a lot, and we’re on a lot of email lists. We like it that way, but we know you might not have the time to read every piece on marketing and content that comes your way. In the spirit of sharing, we will occasionally share links to our favorite tips, tricks and insights from around the web on content, marketing and business in general. In this content round-up, we share some of our favorites.

    Our 5 Favorite Content Marketing Reads (This Month)

    1. “Five Ways to Use Video in Your Hiring Process” from MarketingProfs

    Content marketers know that video is a highly effective form of marketing and use this medium in powerful ways to connect with customers, but this article gives insight into additional avenues that companies can take to use video for employees and potential employees. If you’re looking for an affordable and efficient way to reach and stay connected with your team, look no further.

    Read the article on MarketingProfs.

    2. “Is Your Brand Breaking the Law on Social Media?” from Content Marketing Institute

    Technology and automation are making it easier to detect copyright infringements. Is your company’s lack of a corporate content policy putting you at risk? This article provides insight for what does and doesn’t constitute copyright infringement and how companies can protect themselves from potential liability.

    Read the article on Content Marketing Institute.

    3. “15 Creative Exercises That Are Better Than Brainstorming” from HubSpot

    Anyone in business knows that getting their team to think outside of the box can often be challenging. We love how this article from HubSpot offers 15 different ways to get your team to develop and improve on new ideas.

    Read the article on HubSpot.

    4. “How to Beat Decision Fatigue with Better Brain Habits” from Trello

    We use Trello to keep track of our content-marketing projects; their blog has some helpful ideas like this one on overcoming decision fatigue. Read this for practical ways to combat brain fatigue through decision reduction, quiet time and by focusing on progress not perfection.

    Read the article on Trello.

    5. “3 Big Content Marketing Themes, Based on Backstage Chatter at Content Marketing World” from Contently

    Joe Lazauskas, the head of content strategy at Contently, examines the latest news in the content-marketing world and what’s coming next in this recent article. Based on observations from the Content Marketing World conference, Lazauskas tackles everything from how content marketing is being absorbed by marketing to how brands are rethinking their distribution advantage.

    Read the article on Contently.

    For a quick monthly briefing on the web’s top marketing content, sign up for our email newsletter. Have a great piece you want to share? Email it to [email protected].

    Our Marketing Must-Reads: Using Video in Hiring, Copyright on Social Media & More