Hashtags 101, AI & Marketing, Content Marketing After Coronavirus: Our 5 Favorite Content Marketing Must Reads (This Month)

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    We read a lot, and we’re on a lot of email lists. We like it that way, but we know you might not have the time to read every piece on marketing and content that comes your way. In the spirit of sharing, we will occasionally share links to our favorite tips, tricks and insights from around the web on content marketing and business in general. In this content round-up, we list some of our favorites.

    1. How to Use Hashtags: A Quick and Simple Guide for Every Network

    Hashtags have proven they are here to stay. They catalog trending topics as well as evergreen content and can boost your presence both in SEO and on social platforms. But with so many hashtags out there, where do we even begin? Karin Olafson explains how you can boost your brand’s hashtag usage beyond #throwbackthursdays in this article.

    Read the article on Hootsuite.

    2. Artificial Intelligence Will Change How You Do Marketing in 2021

    New technology often brings headaches and stress when first adopted. Then it settles in and we wonder how we ever lived without it. Colin Loghran explains how this will be the case with Artificial Intelligence as this new technology integrates into our personal and professional lives, and how it can make our jobs as marketers better.

    Read the article on Unbounce.

    3. 6 Things to Improve Your Content Performance

    As content creators we want to educate, engage, and convert our audience. If a reader feels mislead by your headline, can’t get through your blog because of sloppy writing, or sees no value in your content then why would you ever expect them to stay on your site or do business with you? Julia McCoy explains how you can improve your content easily to maintain your current audience and bring in new readers.

    Read the article on Content Marketing Institute.

    4. Your Blog Is Not a Publication

    Your blog may be full of content and updated on a regular basis but is that enough to engage your users and build your audience? Not according to this article from Jimmy Daly. Daly explains how structuring your blog content more like a library and less like a publication is doable with your current content and why it’s a must to grow your business. 

    Read the article on Animalz.

    5. How to Approach Content Marketing After the Coronavirus and Deliver Dynamic Campaigns

    Embracing your digital media investments is critical for your company’s recovery after Coronavirus. The staff at Skyword explain why investing in content marketing, SEO, audience relationships and more is not just nice to have but critical for your company’s longevity after the pandemic is over.

    Read the article on Skyword.

    Hashtags 101, AI & Marketing, Content Marketing After Coronavirus: Our 5 Favorite Content Marketing Must Reads (This Month)